His nimbleness and ability to Wall Crawl, blend into shadows, and Teleport allow him to slip past enemy lines undetected.
As it's not his book though he usually finds that Diana's tactic of allowing herself to be captured and brought along by the bad guys has gotten her there first and on the rare occasions the villain has stumbled across a way of restraining her that is tricky for her to escape from he helps her out.
Wonder Woman Vol 1: Steve Trevor is quite good a scouting out an enemy fortification or hideout and then returning with the information without being noticed. While The Sneaky Guy often carries connotations of being at least a little bit of a Dirty Coward, Glenn is anything but: he puts his life on the line every time he goes on a supply run and saves lives doing it. Glenn in The Walking Dead is more given to slipping quietly around opposing forces than engaging them head-on, which also serves to not attract Walkers to his position. She does escape afterwards simply by using her superhuman jumping ability. She doesn't have any problem getting in and only fails when another fighter called Q was unexpectedly there and brought unwanted attention. While it is impossible for girly Ninja girl Ibuki of Street Fighter fame to be this in the games, the Street Fighter comics has an extra called "Case Closed" in which Ibuki is sent by her ninja village to infiltrate a high-security military base and steal a high importance briefcase. Justified, since most of his teammates are Physical Gods while he's a normal human being, and he does his best work as a detective, anyway. Batman usually plays this role whenever he's with the Justice League, skulking around to look for his enemies' weaknesses while the rest of the team fight. In Rune Soldier Louie, which is basically set in a Dungeons & Dragons universe, Merrill is the thief of the group and a master at lockpicking. Later, after awakening his PSI, Menace, he fits this even more, using his power to help the drifters avoid attacks and the like, and prefers to avoid a straight fight if able. Kabuto Kirisaki fills this role for the drifters in Psyren being a usually unwilling participant in the battles initially only skilled at running and hiding, but his keen eyes and being amongst the first to link the similarities between the geography of Psyen and the modern-day world, which leads to one of the most important discoveries of the series. A Recurring Character just to the side of the main cast, he's known for his repeated knack for showing up behind enemy lines just in time to rescue Yuuri and company from whatever trouble they've gotten themselves into. Jozak Gurrier in Kyo Kara Maoh!, a spy who is regularly sent on missions in places where the protagonists just happen to be going next. If serving in The Squad, a not-uncommon variation is serving as the Designated Point Man, where the sneaky guy often takes on elements of The Big Guy. The Sneaky Guy can also easily serve as the Beauty in a Beauty, Brains, and Brawn trio - at least they get to do more than as The Heart. The sneaky guy corresponds to the thief in Fighter, Mage, Thief, just as The Big Guy corresponds to the fighter and The Smart Guy to the mage. Depending on how stealthy they are, the Ninja may qualify. If a character manages to be both good at fieldcraft and fighting straight-up, it's usually a Ranger or the point man variety. Related tropes are Stealth Expert, Technicolor Ninjas, Army Scout of the western movies, or the Scarily Competent Tracker.
Many games, like Dungeons & Dragons, has prepared roles for the sneaky guy, like thief or rogue. Expect this character to be chosen for scouting and infiltration missions. Very likely to be a Combat Pragmatist and/or an Underhanded Hero. Ranged weapons are common, while for melee combat, daggers are by far the most popular choice. In a fight, the sneaky guy will probably try to stay inconspicuous, looking for a weak spot to exploit or a way to confuse the enemy. They are often stealthy, but the focus can also be on choosing paths thought impossible, being inconspicuous, or some other strategy. They rely on spotting danger first, stealth, reflexes and their wits to stay alive. They are usually mobile, carrying little equipment. If they go first, they sneak and hide, not relying on speed and strength like The Big Guy. The Sneaky Guy is the one in The Team who searches things out, looking for traps, enemies, and other hidden things.